[texhax] Troubleshooting undesired page numbering restart

Thomas Jacobs thomasjacobs at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 23:33:06 CET 2009

Please disregard this question.  I finally found a set counter line in
an ensuing section.

(sorry, forgot to go with plain text in the prior disregard message)

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Thomas Jacobs <thomasjacobs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please disregard this question.  I finally found a set counter line in an
> ensuing section.
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Thomas Jacobs <thomasjacobs at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I am trying to understand why my page numbering restarts at page 1 in
>> the middle of a section.  Here is an excerpt from the calling tex
>> file:
>> \newpage
>> \setlength{\baselineskip}{1.5\baselineskip}
>> \input 1_introduction
>> \vspace{0.25in}
>> \input 2_literature
>> \vspace{0.25in}
>> \input 3_events
>> \vspace{0.25in}
>> \input 4_data_methodology
>> \vspace{0.25in}
>> where the restart occurs in the middle of input 3_events.tex right
>> after a very long footnote:
>> \textsc{Event 1:} The trouble and bailout of IKB Deutsche
>> Industriebank (Friday, July 27, 2007 thru Friday, August 3, 2007.)  In
>> what would be the first bank to nearly fail and require government
>> support, IKB, a small to medium size German commercial lender
>> acknowledged large losses from subprime investments in both direct
>> exposure and off balance sheet conduit funds it ran on Monday, July 30
>> only 10 days after claiming to have minimal exposure to U.S. Subprime
>> assets during an earnings call.  The size of the total exposure was
>> nearly \euro 20 Billion and its support exceeded the capacity of its
>> primary investor, publicly owned bank KfW requiring a rescue package
>> of government, private and public banks.  The transmission of this
>> information to the market as reported in the financial press was noisy
>> making for a difficult event window definition.  As initially reported
>> on July 31st, IKB would receive support from publicly owned bank KfW.
>> Yet on August 2nd and August 3rd details on the mechanics of the
>> rescue revealed a call placed on Friday, July 27th, by Josef Ackerman,
>> the CEO of Deutsche Bank, to the primary regulator Jochen Sanio, who
>> in turn contacted the Finance Minister, Peer Steinbruck, and in what
>> would foreshadow numerous similar crises in the U.S. a weekend of
>> meetings saw a rescue package composed for IKB that included support
>> from the government, public and private banks in the sum of \euro 3.5
>> Billion.  In confirmation of the delayed market response to the
>> events, IKB's stock fell further on August 2nd (28\%) than it had on
>> July 30th (19\%).%
>> %
>> \footnote{\citeasnoun{WSJ073107} note the 19\% decline in stock price
>> on July 30th, the unquantified subprime exposure to an off-balance
>> sheet vehicle called Rhineland Funding, the bailout by KfW, IKB's
>> largest state-owned shareholder, and KfW's 80\% ownership stake by the
>> German government.  It also noted that just 10 days earlier IKB had
>> played down its exposure during an earnings call.
>> \citeasnoun{FT073107} reports KfW's stake in IKB at 38\% and quotes
>> IKB as acknowledging that it's creditworthiness had been questioned at
>> the end of the prior week and indicates neither IKB nor KfW would
>> quantify IKB's exposure or loss to subprime markets.
>> \citeasnoun{Blmbg080207} and \citeasnoun{FT080207} report on August
>> 2nd that KfW had assumed \euro 8.1 Billion in obligations to IKB's
>> Rhineland funding unit as announced on July 31st.  Further, this was
>> the first mention of government involvement orchestrated by the
>> Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck (also chairman of KfW's
>> administrative board) the prior Sunday (July 29th) and the creation of
>> a rescue fund of \euro 3.5 Billion composed of KfW (70\%), Private
>> Banks Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank (15\%), and Public banks (15\%).
>> \citeasnoun{FT080307} on August 3rd reported the involvement of
>> Deutsche Bank's CEO Joseph Ackerman the prior Friday (July 27th) in
>> alerting the government regarding IKB's funding difficulties and the
>> large decline in IKB's stock price on August 2nd of 28\%.
>> \citeasnoun{FT080907} reports on August 9th that IKB revealed on
>> Tuesday (August 7th) that another group of banks is supplying \euro
>> 6.5 Billion in liquidity lines to its Rhineland Funding vehicle
>> besides the \euro 8.1 Billion provided by KfW.  He also reports that
>> IKB said it had \euro 7 Billion of its own assets (at the bank level)
>> invested in credit portfolios the preceding March outside of its
>> Rhineland Funding unit with 2/3 of that in US Assets.  Including
>> another off balance sheet unit, Rhinebridge Funding, that it would
>> need to bring on balance sheet produced a direct exposure to US Assets
>> of \euro 6.4 Billion excluding Rhineland's \euro 14 Billion in assets.
>>  \citeasnoun{WSJ081007} on August 10th provide details behind the
>> funding problems experienced by IKB the week before its rescue.  Its
>> Rhineland funding unit which borrowed principally through commercial
>> paper to support its \euro 14 Billion in assets found itself unable to
>> roll over the positions and on Friday, July 27th turned to IKB to draw
>> on a credit line.  IKB, in turn, had a credit line with Deutsche bank
>> which Deutsche refused to honor.  It was at the end of this day that
>> Deutsche's CEO contacted the German bank regulator which led to the
>> weekend of negotiations.  They also report the total decline in IKB's
>> stock price over the two weeks of the crisis was 33\%}%
>> %
>> \textsc{Event 2:} The reduction in discount rate, the extension of
>> term, and the unprecedented encouragement of discount window lending
>> by the Federal Reserve (Friday, August 17th, 2007 thru Friday, August
>> 24th, 2007.)  On August 17th, the Fed narrowed the fixed spread
>> between its target Federal Funds rate and the rate applied at the
>> discount window (the primary credit rate) to 50bp
>> from 100bp leading to a discount window decline from 6.25\% to 5.75\%.
>>  In addition, the typical overnight term was extended to permit term
>> financing of up to 30 days.%
>> %
>> \footnote{See \citeasnoun{BOARD081707} for press release.}  %
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> --
>> Thomas Jacobs
> --
> Thomas Jacobs

Thomas Jacobs

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