[texhax] Anyone using ledpar?

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue Apr 7 16:04:54 CEST 2009

I need to typeset parallel texts with critical apparatus. The package  
parallel works fine for parallel texts but it processes footnotes at  
then end of each paragraph, and that will often be the wrong page. The  
package ledpar is advertizing exactly this: parallel texts with  
critical apparati and footnotes.

When I tried it, nothing worked... EIther the documentation is wrong,  
or ledpar is vaporware. I wrote:

\begin{Leftside} ... left side text ... \end{Leftside}
\begin{Rightside} ... right side text ... \end{Rightside}

as written in the manual, and I got both texts in a *single* column  
(instead of two columns). Only when I inserted the command \stanza  
(taken from ledmac and normally used only for poetry, which is not my  
case) in the (Left|Right)side environments I got two columns (but also  
a bunch of error messages). Up to that point the result is satisfying.  
But footnotes do *not work at all*, they remain inside the text.

Has anyone used ledpar with parallel texts *and* footnotes and  
critical apparatus? I would be very curious to see an example that  

Any other idea about how to solve that problem? It is quite tricky  
since vertical material is added on both columns as well as from the  
bottom (footnotes etc.).

Thanks in advance


PS. I attach a small test file, illustrating the error messages and  
the failure of footnote.
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