[texhax] October 2008 TUG news

tug-news at tug.org tug-news at tug.org
Sat Oct 4 02:51:39 CEST 2008

Dear TeX users,

Software news:

- TeX Live 2008 was released a few weeks ago.  For the first time,
  ongoing updates for TeX Live are available over the Internet for those
  who want them (a feature MiKTeX has provided for years).

- The full TeX Collection DVD is at the production facility now (in
  Germany) and should ship within a few more weeks.  The TeX
  Collection contains new versions of proTeXt and MacTeX, as well as an
  updated snapshot of CTAN.

- TUG has received a renewed development grant from the same anonymous
  donor who generously provided support last year.  As before, we
  received $10,000 outright for TeX development and another $10,000 is
  available if we can match it.  We are attempting to raise
  institutional support, but individual contributions of any size are
  very welcome and very important, both to TUG and to the donor.  So
  please consider donating to the development fund in general, or a
  specific development project:
  The three main projects we are supporting are ongoing from last year:
  the TeX Gyre fonts (http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/),
  LuaTeX (http://www.luatex.org/), and the
  TeXworks front end (http://tug.org/texworks/).  For our rationale and
  past grants, see the development fund web pages:


- The third issue of TUGboat for 2008 will be the proceedings for TUG'08.
  It is nearly complete and should make its way to the printer by the
  end of the month.

- Issue 2008-2 of the PracTeX Journal has been published; the theme of
  this issue is LaTeX and TeX on the web.

Interview Corner:

- Several more interviews have been completed since the last installment
  of this newsletter: Amy Hendrickson, Yuri Robbers, Tomas Rokicki,
  Han The Thanh, and Arthur Ogawa.

- We are planning to produce the interviews as a book, since there has
  been considerable interest, but have no publication schedule as yet.


- Many of the presentations from TUG 2008 in Cork are available as
  online video, thanks to the indefatigable Kaveh Bazargan and River
  Valley Technologies.

- BachoTeX 2009 will be held in Bachotek, Poland, from
  April 29-May 3, 2009.  http://www.gust.org.pl/BachoTeX/2009/main-en.html

- TUG 2009 will be held at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend,
  Indiana, USA, from July 28-31, 2009.  http://tug.org/tug2009/

- EuroTeX 2009 will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, from
  August 24-28, 2009.  http://www.ntg.nl/EuroTeX2009/

Printing history fellowship opportunity:

- The American Printing History Association invites applications for a
  fellowship of up to $2,000 to study any area of the history of
  printing in any form.  The deadline is 12 December 2008.  More
  information and an application form:

Finally, we on the board would like to welcome Alan Wetmore to the TUG
Bursary committee (http://tug.org/bursary), and thank Dave Walden for
his service on the committee for the last several years.  Dave remains
as the TUG treasurer.

As always, we appreciate your support!

Happy TeXing,
Karl Berry (President) on behalf of the TUG Board

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