[texhax] Changing spacing between some lines in multline etc

Barbara Beeton bnb at ams.org
Wed Nov 14 15:14:09 CET 2007

victor ivrii's question:

    > > 2) Sometimes I want to use a kind of multline but with all equations
    > > except the first one flashed right. I cannot invent anything except
    > > some ugly games with {align}. Is there a better solution?
    > amsmath's multline environment by default has the first line
    > left-aligned, the last flush right and the middle ones centered. Not
    > what you need, but you can use \shoveright to make the ones in the
    > middle right-aligned.

    Works, exactly what I asked. However there is another question

    I want some particular multline to be arranged like


    So some combi of multline and align. What is the best way to achieve this?

for the last two lines, use the "subsidiary"
environment aligned:


this and some other "alignment building blocks"
are described in the amsmath user's guide,
amsldoc.* ; you can get a pdf file either from
ctan or from a link on
if it's not already on your system.
							-- bb

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