[texhax] table of equations issue

E. Krishnan ekmath at asianetindia.com
Mon May 7 18:37:37 CEST 2007

On Mon, 7 May 2007, burlen wrote:

> Hi I am reposting this with the code...
> I have a problem re a table of equations. The table is something like
> {|l|l|l|} with \hlines between each row. The | between columns aren't
> connecting rows...

> here is the code

> \documentclass{article}
> \newcommand   {\fn}       [1]  { \hat{f}_{#1}  }
> \newcommand   {\dd  }     [2]  { \frac{\partial #1}{ \partial #2 } }
> \begin{document}
> \[
> \begin{array}{|l|l|l|}
> \hline\\
> & {\mathbf\fn{i+1/2}} & {\mathbf\Delta x \dd{f(u)}{x}\approx}\\
> \hline \\
> ......................

Just remove the line breaks \\ after the \hline's

Please note that commands like \bf are now obsolete. Use commands like
\bfseries to change fonts. Also, with amsmath the command \text can be 
used to get text within math. Moreover, the command \textsuperscript can 
be used to get superscripts in text-mode.


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