[texhax] style references

Donald Arseneau asnd at triumf.ca
Fri Jun 29 21:16:06 CEST 2007

Michael Hodenius <hodenius at hia.rwth-aachen.de> writes:

> I need a command to change the style of references in my LateX dokument.
> E.g. I want to delete the numbers [1], [2] and so on, i.e. I want to replace
> for example:
> [1] Bulte J, De Cuyper M, Despres D and Frank J 1999 {\it J. Magn. Magn.
> Mater.} {\bf 194} 204-209.
> by
> Bulte J, De Cuyper M, Despres D and Frank J 1999 {\it J. Magn. Magn. Mater.}
> {\bf 194} 204-209.

The basic answer is probably in the FAQ -- redefine \@biblabel (which
exists specifically for changing the bibitem tags).  

The trick, though, is getting rid of the indentation.  


Donald Arseneau                          asnd at triumf.ca

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