[texhax] citation parens

Ratcliffe Philip George philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Fri Jun 22 09:25:48 CEST 2007

> I'm trying to change the way citations are presented in my 
> thesis class 
> (which loads class 'report' as a base). Right now citations 
> in the dvi 
> file are in parens. So
> "The sky is blue \cite{blah}"  in the latex file becomes  "The sky is 
> blue (2)" in the compiled doc and I want it to be "The sky is 
> blue [2]"  
> instead. I've looked in the bst file, the report.cls, even 
> the latex.ltx 
> file, and can't figure it out.
> Does anyone know?
> BTW, I'm using bibtex, not doing \bibitem in the latex file.

Well, first of all, it's nothing to do with BibTeX, that merely creates the
list, but cannot affect the way \cite & co behave.

Now, you say you looked in "the report.cls, even the latex.ltx", but what
about the "thesis class" you mention.  You don't mention whether you load any
style files.  Without this information, we can't help.  However, I suspect
that it is indeed your thesis class and that this is the desired behaviour.

Cheers,  Phil Ratcliffe
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