[texhax] Passing Command Line Arguments to a Latex document

Oleg Katsitadze olegkat at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 09:53:11 CEST 2007

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 02:56:55AM +0200, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
> The following script allows you to pass command-line arguments to TeX.
> You can say:
>     pdflatex pdfselect '[pages={3,5}]{my_pdf_file}' 
> _____ pdfselect.tex ____________________
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{pdfpages}
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.PDF}{pdf}{.PDF}{}
> \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.PDF}
> \def\doit#1 {\begin{document}%
> \includepdf#1
> \end{document}}
> \everypar{\setbox0\lastbox\doit}
> ________________________________________

Ok, I see what you mean.  But this is a rather specialized
application, I don't think it's possible to generalize it so that
pdfselect.tex could continue in the usual manner after obtaining the
command line arguments.  This is what actually happens:

tex concatenates non-option arguments into one line, with spaces
between the arguments, and uses that as the first input line.  If the
first line begins with `&', tex takes what follows as the name of a
format file to load; after this, if what remains doesn't begin with
`\', tex inserts \input.  (In reality this is a little trickier, see
`man 1 tex'.)

Thus the call

  $ pdflatex pdfselect '[pages={3,5}]{my_pdf_file}'

is equivalent to

  $ pdflatex 'pdfselect\relax [pages={3,5}]{my_pdf_file}'

(\relax prevents the whole argument being treated as a filename -- for
some reason, it is required on the command line, but not when you
_enter_ the commands at the tex prompt), which is equivalent to

  $ pdflatex '\input pdfselect [pages={3,5}]{my_pdf_file}'

So, basically you don't get anything with several arguments that you
didn't have with one argument (maybe ease of use in some cases).

But thanks for the nice \everypar trick.


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