[texhax] simple manuscript

Sean Sieger sean.sieger at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 16:49:22 CET 2007

"Axel E. Retif" <axretif at igo.com.mx> writes:

   On Jan 15, 2007, at 12:24 , Sean Sieger wrote:

   > Which doesn't build a table of contents but just the heading
   > 'Contents' at the top of the page of the first poem. I was trying to
   > suppress section numbering for the poems and in the table of
   > contents. How do I get the poems unnumbered

   Starred (*) hierarchical divisions don't appear in the table of  
   contents by themselves. Below your section* you have to add:


Thank you, I was using it unsuccessfully until you showed me this.

   > and the table of contents on a separate page?

   I don't know the article class, but I guess something like in the  
   book.cls (which clear the page after Contents anyway) would work:  
   after \tableofcontents


Right, I added a \newpage beneath \tableofcontents.

   > Another thing I would like to accomplish is to move the page numbers
   > to top center.

   Again, I don't know article.cls, but I would follow William Adams  
   recommendation and try memoir.cls (the manual itself is outstanding,  
   as William has noted many times).

I am going to find the solution to the page numbering.



Axel, thank you for your time and hints--they led me further into the
documentation where I am finding answers. In fact, I stumbled on the
code that alphabatizes the words of a document as a step in building
an index.

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