[texhax] hbox problem and creating a red box with specified thickness

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue May 23 09:21:28 CEST 2006

hgi wrote:

> I'm using document class article and multicols as I'm doing a newsletter 
> for a branch in our organization, for marketing and awareness. 

> There are a few things that happen from time to time that are vexing to 
> a newcomer.  For some reason when I attempt an \hbox, depending upon 
> where it is attempted, it will take the text inside and make it go 
> continuously off to the right until the text string terminates.  Does 
> anyone have any idea as to what I'm doing wrong to cause this condition 
> to occur?

Nothing, that's what it's supposed to do!  I suspect you may
misunderstand what an hbox is/does.

> Also, does anyone know how to create a red box with a specified thickness? 

I leave that one to the LaTeX experts : \hbox is a TeX primitive,
which is why I'm able to help wit the earlier part ...

Philip Taylor

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