[texhax] skip after/before environment

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Sat Jun 10 00:30:13 CEST 2006

At 23:58 08.06.06, Victor Ivrii wrote:

>\let\partopsep=\topsep was too strong medicine while \let\topsep=\partopsep
>has an opposite effect

Sorry, these are among the worst things that a LaTeX user can do.
\topsep and \partopsep refer to different glue parameters.
Your commands declare one to be the other while you sacrifice
reference to the first one.

To pass the glue value that \topsep stores to \partopsep (e.g.)
something like


would be more appropriate.

However, these things have nothing to do with what I proposed
before. I rather recommended giving (for trying) *absolute values*
to \topsep (\partopsep) by changing the `10' into something like



HTH -- Uwe.


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