[texhax] LaTeX Pagination Reversed

John Simmie john.simmie at nuigalway.ie
Mon Apr 10 09:25:06 CEST 2006

Use the geometry package  to specify margins etc and tweak values
until you get exactly what you want.
\usepackage[top=4.5cm,bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=3cm]{geometry} % Sets 
paper size, margins, etc
% Paperheight=top+height+bottom   note that 
%  Paperwidth=left+width+right    note 
that  width=textwidth+marginparsep+marginparwidth
% Note that 'geometry.cfg' file sets a4paper as default

>Message: 1
>Message: 2
>Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:58:25 -0400
>From: "Don Mainfort" <mainfort at digitalrealm.net>
>Subject: [texhax] LaTeX Pagination Reversed
>To: <texhax at tug.org>
>Message-ID: <000001c65aa7$8a85f170$6401a8c0 at owner>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Have my book manuscript all set, but can not figure out why the margins for
>left & right are reversed, with the wide margin on outside & thin margin
>inside. Also, the print on front & back do not align - when looking at outer
>edge of a page, the type of the even side is about a quarter of an inch shy
>of that of the odd side. I am hoping that there is a simple solution, my
>wife who's a scientist initially set LaTeX up for me, but she can't figure
>it out.
>Managed to get everything else looking decent - 650 page memoir with 149 eps
>pictures! Want to print some presentable drafts without these probelms,
>though. The paper is 8.5 X 11 and the problem is visible in DVI. Here is how
>it's set up now:
>\documentclass[final, leqno]{book}
>\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts}
>\title{------- }
>\author{-------- \\
>{\small\em \copyright \ Draft date \today}}
>Copyright $\copyright$ 2005 by --------
>\pagestyle{headings} \pagenumbering{arabic}
>% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
>What am I doing wrong??!
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