[texhax] nomencl+fancyhdr problem

Sachin Shende S.A.Shende at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Sep 29 19:40:33 CEST 2005

 Hi All,

Could anyone of you help me fix this please.

In my thesis class file I am using 'nomencl' and 'fancyhdr' package. The
'fancyhdr' prints name of the chapter or section  in a page header. This
works fine for all but Nomenclature. The Nomenclature pages still show me
the previous chapter name (i.e. 'List of Figures' in my case) in their page
header. So how do I make Nomenclature print its chapter name in the page

My main file has:

%Print table of contents
%Print list of tables
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
%Print list of figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
%Print nomenclature

Any idea/suggestions as how to solve this problem?

Thank you.
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