[texhax] Pst-tree problem with placement

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Tue Dec 13 12:39:19 CET 2005

Ian Watson :

> Dear Folks
> I wonder if anyone can suggest a solution to a problem with the placement of 
> a genealogy tree using pst-tree commands. I am using MikTex on Windows 2000, 
> compiling to DVI then using DVIPS. My document begins with the following 
> setup:
> \documentclass[a3paper,oneside,landscape,10pt]{memoir}
> \usepackage{pst-tree}
> The tree commands I use closely follow examples found on:
> http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/Trees/
> and have generally worked the way I want.
> However, the final tree is offset on the page, in fact, parts of it disappear 
> off the right hand side of the page, even though there is a large amount of 
> space left on the left hand side.
> I have tried various memoir settings to change the typeblock and textwidth 
> etc but to no avail. It seems that the the pst-tree commands have their own 
> way of placing the tree at a certain location to begin with, and then it 
> simply expands outwards from that location. I have studied some of the 
> pstricks commands but am not familiar enough with them to know how to hack 
> the pst-tree.tex file to change the way ps-tree works.
> Any advice would be most appeciated.

some specific code to work with would be nice ;-)


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what they could and should do for themselves. ''
  -- Abraham Lincoln

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