[texhax] it doesn't work

Philip G. Ratcliffe philipratcliffe at tiscali.it
Wed Jun 30 21:28:16 CEST 2004

> I am along time user of TEX, this is my way of life, cause I am a
> physicist and I write papers.
> I am not a computer expert, on the contrary, I place myself at stage of
> infancy.

You don't actually need to be a computer expert to use TeX.

> My hard drive crashed, and I need TEX back. I purchased it from you, and I
> just can't figure out how to use it. It's a pain to understand all those
> tens and tens of little programs I stil have to download, and
> still doesn't work.

So how did you get it to work in the first place?

> Finaly, I can edit in that new editor, but I don't know how to create a
> dvips comand, and how to see my ps file.  It's very depressing,
> believe me.

How long did you say you've been using TeX?

> I create a ".tex file and it looks okay, and I transfer it to my old
> computer, which has an older version of TEX.

Now, why should you want to do that?

> Nomatter what I do, the
> emerging ps file is the same, some instructions.

So you're not actually producing a new ps file, right?

> In addition, nobody who uses tex is here (summer) and I really have to
> finish some files.

Isn't it always just the same?

If you're that desperate, you're using windows and have a good internet
connection, why not download and install MiKTeX - you can have it up and
running in next-to-no-time.

Cordialmente,  Philip G. Ratcliffe

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