[texhax] Booklet A6 format

Sorin Marti mas at semafor.ch
Mon Feb 23 09:51:44 CET 2004

Hi all,

I need some hints:

I want to create a booklet with format DIN A6. That means that I want to 
write my file on DIN A5 landscape and put 2 pages (A6) on it.

like this (the whole page is A5 in landscape orientation):

|        |        |
|        |        |
|   A6   |   A6   |
|        |        |
|        |        |


- Is there a documentclass option for A5 (like a4paper)?
- How to divide a page in two columns?

- How to print it like a book?
   That means first page and last page on the same sheet.

   Lets say my document had 8 pages:

    sheet 1: first side   sheet 1: second side
   +--------+--------+    +--------+--------+
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |  p. 1  |  p. 8  |    |  p. 2  |  p. 7  |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   +--------+--------+    +--------+--------+

    sheet 2: first side   sheet 2: second side
   +--------+--------+    +--------+--------+
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |  p. 3  |  p. 6  |    |  p. 4  |  p. 5  |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   |        |        |    |        |        |
   +--------+--------+    +--------+--------+

   Is this a TeX-problem or should I solve this with
   a ps tool (like ps2ps or ps2pdf)?

Thanks for any advices!

      Sorin Marti

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