[texhax] Request for LaTeX help.

Sorin Marti mas at semafor.ch
Fri Apr 2 11:19:53 CEST 2004

Sri wrote:
> Sir,
> I have a Redhat Linux 8.0 server on which I am developing a Physics 
> website. I need to generate .PDF files from .tex files which have images 
> in them. I visited the www.tug.org site to see how I can do it, but it 
> wasn't of much help to me.
> I am having problem with drawing tables and including images in the .PDF 
> file. Looks everything is running fine until the .DVI file phase.
> Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
> Thank you.

Hi Sri,

You have to be more specific.
What about error codes?
What about code samples?

Sorin Marti

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