[texhax] A Question about Page Breaks

Prof. Sudhir R. Ghorpade srg at math.iitb.ac.in
Sat Sep 13 14:43:52 CEST 2003

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Robert Sherry wrote:

>            I have a block of text and a figure that I want on the same page.
> The
> figure is drawn using the PStricks package. As it turns out, LaTeX is
> inserting a
> page break after my text. Could somebody please tell me how I can tell LaTeX
> not to insert a page break there?
>                          Robert Sherry

What I am suggesting may not be the ideal solution. But it works for me.

1. Convert the figure to an EPS file. 
2. Include in your parent file with \includegraphics{figure.eps} in the
   \begin{figure} - \end{figure} environment.
3. Scale the figure to desired size using \scalebox; raise or lower it, 
   if need be, using \raisebox with positive or negative units.
4. Put some negative space below or above your \includegraphics command.



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