[texhax] Ky Anh's Chemistry/Latex problem

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Aug 9 01:08:06 CEST 2003

Hartmut Henkel wrote:


> setwmf.sty can't be found on CTAN, just tried. It might be some file of
> a commercial TeX system. Better use eps, pdf(, svg); all are portable
> vector formats, friendly supported by latex or pdflatex.

I would imagine the original poster was referring to


which is so short I include it here :

  \special{wmf:#4 x=#2, y=#3}}
\def\centerwmf#1#2#3{\vskip#2\relax\centerline{\hbox to#1{\special
   {wmf:#3 x=#1, y=#2}\hfil}}}

What is interesting is that it clearly requires a driver that
understands and implements the WMF special.  Even though I use TeX
only under Windows, I don't know which Windows' implementation
supports this special : it will be interesting to investigate
and find out!

Philip Taylor

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