[texdvd] Pricing CD/DVD Mailers and Postage (and DVDs)

terry.s at Safe-mail.net terry.s at Safe-mail.net
Sat Oct 7 23:23:10 CEST 2023


I said I would price these materials and postage in the U.S, continental and otherwise.

    **U.S. Postage**
I remembered from my school years reselling books using "media mail", but had a brain fart thinking it was "cheapest" ... in fact it now begins around $9 ($4.50ish for *charities*). REALITY: It was cheaper than "parcel post", not cheaper than "first class". (Though it used to start at about $3.)

Forget media mail!
"First class" letter begins at 66c (63c if you meter it instead of sticking a stamp on it.)
"First class" for square or *rigid* items begins at $1.09 [PROBABLY WHAT'S NEEDED]
Those prices are for 1oz or less...not sure if the packaging would bring it over, but the next step up is measured in cents, not dollars.
Prices are fixed no matter where it goes in the U.S. (even Alaska and Hawaii), because that's how "first class" operates.

    **CD/DVD Mailers**
I priced both the cardboard square mailers with rip-off strips (what TUG always used) and bubble mailers, which are typically sized for DVDs *with cases*.
Cardboard mailers are in quantities from 6 to 100. PRICE PER MAILER:
    - High: $1.15/pc
    - Low: 23c/pc
    - NORM: 50c/pc
Bubble mailers are actually sized for DVDs with cases (appx 6"x8" to 7.5"x9"), in quantities of 10 to 250. PRICE PER MAILER:
    - High: 42c/pc
    - Low: 28c/pc
    - NORM: 40c/pc
There's surprisingly little difference!

I forgot to price DVDs, but we're all familiar with that and it doesn't change much over time.
Depending how many you buy, they average 20c to $1/pc.

    - MOST LIKELY materials and postage $2.10-2.50 (assuming > 1oz, 50c DVD)
    - Low end maybe $1.52 (assuming < 1oz, 20c DVD)
    - High maybe $3.50 (assuming > 1oz, $1 DVD)

All prices and postage are apply to U.S. and given in USD and non-metric.

Have a great day,
Terry S.

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