[tex4ht] [bug #636] tex4ht loses table boarders when adding color

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri Oct 4 17:15:02 CEST 2024

Thanks for the fix Michal.

Ive just updated TL now on the new Linux installation, and
now the crash is gone and it compiled OK. I saw TL updating
tex4ht during the process.

But I noticed that in HTML, only the horizontal table lines
have gray color but the vertical line are still black.

Is this by design? In pdf, all lines (vertical and horizontal)
in the table become gray.

Attached in screen shot.

Same latex file same command as before.


On 10/2/2024 5:39 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
> Hi Nasser,
> When I compile the same file on this new TL I just installed,
>> tex4ht now gives this error
>> ! Undefined control sequence.
>> \a:HBorder ...border-top:1px solid \#\hline:color
>>                                                     ">
>> l.16 A
>>       &B&C \\ \hline
>> ? X
>> -----------------------------------------------
> thanks for the report. It seems that the usepackate.4ht file in TL is too
> old.
> I've created a script that will print differences in .4ht files between
> TeX4ht repository and TeX Live directory:
> -------------------------
> kpse.set_program_name "luatex"
> local function get_files(dir)
>    local files = {}
>    for file in lfs.dir(dir) do
>      if file:match("4ht$") then
>        local path = dir .."/" .. file
>        path = path:gsub("//", "/")
>        files[file] = path
>      end
>    end
>    return files
> end
> local function clean(result)
>    local t = {}
>    for line in result:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do
>      if line:match("%s*%%") then
>      elseif line:match("immediate") then
>      elseif line:match("%d+.?%d+") then
>      elseif line:match("%-%-%-") then
>      elseif line:match("^[><]%s*$") then
>      else
>        t[#t+1] = line
>      end
>    end
>    return table.concat(t, "\n")
> end
> local function diff(source, dest)
>    local cmd = io.popen("diff " .. source .. " " .. dest, "r")
>    local result = cmd:read("*a")
>    cmd:close()
>    -- remove unnecessary stuff
>    return clean(result)
> end
> local source = get_files(arg[1])
> local dest   = get_files(arg[2])
> for name, path in pairs(source) do
>    if not dest[name] then
>      print("File not exists in dest: " , path)
>    else
>      local result = diff(path, dest[name])
>      if result ~= "" then
>        print(path)
>        print(result)
>      end
>    end
> end
> -----
> It can be used like this:
> $ texlua diffs.lua /path/to/newsrc/trunk/lit/
>   /usr/local/texlive/2024/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/
> I think it can be useful for me or Karl in the future.
> Best regards,
> Michal
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