[tex4ht] Is it possible to fix tex4ht links so so it ends at top of page?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri Sep 20 02:21:57 CEST 2024

Ive asked about this years ago. I do not remember or can find
the link now.

This problem has been in tex4ht for ever it seems. I am wondering
if it is possible to correct it or how hard it is to fix?

I will explain in words first what the problem is and then give
link for an example from one of my own pages converted by tex4ht.

When I am at a top page, say index.htm and then when I click on
link to another page on same site also produced by tex4ht
such as


The new page opens not at the very top showing the navigation
bars that tex4ht adds automatically, but opens the new page at
little lower level, now showing the navigation bars, ending up
at something like


So I always have to manually delete those extra #x4829-4828000II from
the new opened URL manually in order to see the top page and
the navigation bars. Also if I want to send the link to someone
I have to delete that extra #stuff.

Here is an example of one of my pages


At the bottom of the page (below the book images), you will see
two links. Clicking on the second one called "Text books solutions"
then it opens this page


Instead, I want it to open


It seems tex4ht jumps to top of the table of content of the new opened
page, which causes this problem. The problem is that when the links are
generated, they have these #x4829-4828000II hardcoded in them.

Why does tex4ht do that? And is it possible to fix the links to remove
this extra #x4829-4828000II stuff added to the link so the new
page open at very top showing the navigation bars?

tex4ht on TL 2024.

Thank you,


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