[tex4ht] [bug #586] Incompatibility with package animate

Michal Hoftich puszcza-hackers at gnu.org.ua
Sat Dec 10 22:13:11 CET 2022

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #586 (project tex4ht):

The fatal error seems to be caused by the Pdfbase package. It redefines the
output routine in a way that crashes TeX4ht. It can be fixed using the
attached pdfbase-hooks.4ht file. I've already pushed it to TeX4ht sources, so
it should be available in TL soon.

Regarding the Animate package suport, I see that there is a rudimentary
animate.4ht file, which probably fixes some bug that was reported to me in
2017. I don't know much about this package, so I am not sure if the fix works
anymore. I can try to provide a proper configuration file with support for
inclusion of supported animations, if you provide me with a MWE. Note that we
can support only features that are available in web brosers, but I think that
inclusion of SVG or Gif images should work without problems.


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