[tex4ht] [bug #576] \HCode alternative that copies verbatim?

Karl Berry puszcza-hackers at gnu.org.ua
Sun Aug 28 00:42:34 CEST 2022

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #576 (project tex4ht):

Yet another related question: can there be a way to write normal LaTeX inside
such an html-only environment? It can be inconvenient and perhaps impossible
to end the html block, insert some TeX, and then restart the html.

That is, the ideal would be something like this:

  {\ifvmode\IgnorePar\fi\EndP\NoFonts\hfill\break }
  {\EndNoFonts }
<p>This is <b>html</b>.

  $$E = mc^2$$ And this is \textit{latex}.

<p>Now we're back to <i>html</i>.

The point of all this is to be able to write substantial math documents, with
literal HTML parts for interactive features and other things that cannot be
done in TeX, while still being able to write math in TeX.

wdyt? Thanks.


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