[tex4ht] why has the spacings between enumeration lists increased in TL 2021 vs. TL 2020 with tex4ht?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri Jun 11 16:47:27 CEST 2021

I just updated to TL 2021 last night. I noticed the first thing when
compiling some existing latex file that now the vertical spacing
between enumeration list items is much larger than before. All other
things being the same.

Here is a MWE from my actual latex file.

\section{Listing of CAS systems tested}

The following systems were tested at this time.

\item Mathematica 12.3 (64 bit) on windows 10.
\item Rubi 4.16.1 in Mathematica 12 on windows 10.
\item Maple 2021.1 (64 bit) on windows 10.
\item Maxima 5.44 on Linux. (via sagemath 9.3)
\item Fricas 1.3.6 on Linux (via sagemath 9.3)
\item Sympy 1.8 under Python 3.7.9 using Anaconda distribution.
\item Giac/Xcas 1.7 on Linux. (via sagemath 9.3)
\item Mupad using Matlab 2021a with Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 8.7 under windows 10 (64 bit)


I compiled using  make4ht foo3.tex "htm,mathjax"

The HTML now (2021) uses this for each time

<p class='noindent'>The following systems were tested at this time.</p>
<!-- l. 14 -->
<p class='indent'></p>
<ol class='enumerate1'>
<li class='enumerate' id='x1-1002x1'>
<!-- l. 15 -->
<p class='noindent'>Mathematica 12.3 (64 bit) on windows 10.</p>


Before in 2020 it generated

<p class='noindent'>The following systems were tested at this time.</p>
<!-- l. 51 -->
<p class='noindent'></p>
<ol class='enumerate1'>
<li class='enumerate' id='x2-2002x1'>
Mathematica 12.3 (64 bit) on windows 10.

Notice the difference. Now it puts the item in a <p></p>
while before it did not. This explains the extra vertical spacing.

I find the extra vertical spacing between the lines too large and like the earlier
one little more.

Is there a way to reduce/control this or revert to how tex4ht did it before?

>which tex4ht


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