[tex4ht] [bug #491] KOMA book (scrbook) \subsubsection and \paragraph

JürgenSpitzmüller puszcza-hackers at gnu.org.ua
Sat Nov 28 11:10:02 CET 2020

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #491 (project tex4ht):

After todays's TL update, this works flawlessly for subsubsection.

However, \paragraph is converted to normal text body style (also in other
classes, as it were) rather than a semantic style of its own (as I would

As it is, it is hard to identify and handle \paragraph's after conversion to

WRT to LaTeX output, I would probably expect \paragraph headings to be merged
with the following paragraph and be assigned to a distinctive semantic style.

Ideally, this would be a run-in sidehead, but as it seems, this is not yet
implemented in ODT:

although there are workarounds:

For practical reasons, a semantic style would help a lot already, as one could
easily locate and handle the uses than (as opposed to the current handling).


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