[tex4ht] java modules

Vincent Belaïche vincent.belaiche at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 15:34:35 CEST 2020

Feedback embedded below…

Le dim. 7 juin 2020 à 23:04, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> a écrit :
> That is not a problem in principle. A given source file can be specified
> to generate multiple outputs.
> foo.class bar.class: foo.java
>        javac ...

OK, make can handle several outputs foo.class and bar.class for a single
input foo.java, but this is not the issue I had in mind. The issue is
how to derive the name bar.class from the name foo.java using the Make

Ok, you probably can do something like that (not tested)

define class_names
$(shell if [ -f $(1).class ]; \
  then find . -iname '$(1)*.class'; \
  else echo "$(1).class"; fi)

$(call class_names,%): %.java
       javac …

>     delegating java compilation to ant would be preferable.
> Definitely not. -k

One could make everybody happy if the makefile was generated by automake,
and ant could be used is available, otherwise we would resort to brute
force compiling all the java files when only one of them is changed, or
when just the time stamps are changed while the content is unchanged.


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