[tex4ht] htlatex - Biber ; error

rachid.malti at laposte.net rachid.malti at laposte.net
Sun Feb 23 22:02:04 CET 2020


The MWE below is issued from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/346564/biblatex-biber-how-to-create-a-loop-to-printbibliography-year-after-year-from/346895?noredirect=1#comment1339562_346895 

It compiles with no errors when using : Latex —> Biber —> Latex. 

However, when compiling using : htlatex —> Biber —> htlatex, it produces the following kind of errors at the second htlatex compilation: 

l.310 --- TeX4ht warning --- Problem with 'list' environment. Expected syntax: 
\begin{list}{label}{spacing} \item.... \end{list} --- 
! Missing number, treated as zero. 
<to be read again> 
l.310 ...ography[title={Publication list by year}] 


Moreover, it skips all newlines, corresponding to new bib entries, in the html file ! 

Is it an incompatibility or a bug? Any help or work around will be very much appreciated. 


—— MWE —— 
\documentclass { article } \usepackage { filecontents } \begin { filecontents* }{ \jobname .bib } @Article { b,
  date = 2003,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Title } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @Article { c,
  date = 2003,
  author = { Author, BBB } ,
  title = { Title } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @Article { d,
  date = 2003,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Title } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @Article { i,
  date = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Title } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @patent { l,
  year = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Patent 1 } ,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @inproceedings { j,
  date = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Title 1 } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @patent { o,
  year = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Patent 1 } ,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @patent { m,
  year = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Patent 2 } ,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} @Article { n,
  date = 2016,
  author = { Author, Amy } ,
  title = { Title } ,
  journaltitle = { Journal } ,
  volume = 10,
  number = 4,
  pages = { 100-141 }} \end { filecontents* } \usepackage [ backend = biber,defernumbers = true,sorting = ydnt ]{ biblatex } \addbibresource { \jobname .bib } \DeclareSourcemap { \maps [ datatype = bibtex ]{ \map { \pertype { article } \step [ fieldset = presort,fieldvalue = article ] } \map { \pertype { inproceedings } \step [ fieldset = presort,fieldvalue = inproceedings ] } \map { \pertype { patent } \step [ fieldset = presort,fieldvalue = patent ] } } } \DeclareSortingTemplate { rasha }{ \sort [ direction = ascending ]{ \field { year }} \sort { \field { presort }} } \defbibenvironment { bibliography } { \begin { enumerate }} { \end { enumerate }} {} \newcounter { myyear } \setcounter { myyear }{ 0 } \renewbibmacro { begentry }{ % \ifnumgreater { \thefield { year }}{ \value { myyear }} { \section * { \hspace * { - \leftmargin } \printfield { year }} \setcounter { myyear }{ \thefield { year }} % \setcounter { enumi }{ 0 } % \xdef\mylastentrytype {} % } % {} % \iffieldequals { entrytype }{ \mylastentrytype } {} { \iffieldequalstr { entrytype }{ article } { \subsection * { \hspace * { - \leftmargin } Journal Articles }} { \iffieldequalstr { entrytype }{ inproceedings } { \subsection * { \hspace * { - \leftmargin } Conference Papers } \setcounter { enumi }{ 0 } % } { \iffieldequalstr { entrytype }{ patent } { \subsection * { \hspace * { - \leftmargin } Patents } \setcounter { enumi }{ 0 } } {} } } \xdef\mylastentrytype { \thefield { entrytype }} } \item } \begin { document } \nocite { * } \begin { refcontext }[ sorting = rasha ] \printbibliography [ title ={ Publication list by year }] \end { refcontext } \end { document } 
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