[tex4ht] [bug #449] \<space> is not a nobreak space

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu Feb 20 00:01:28 CET 2020

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #449 (project tex4ht):

how about some kind of css? is the normal interword space for the current font
somehow accessible, the way it should be?

allowing line breaks would be an improvement, at least. an en space would
generally be a little too wide, but the line breaks seem more important.

what happens with multiple enspaces in a row? do they disappear at the break,
or just randomly get assigned to one line or the other?

and, how about  <wbr>? i would expect those spaces would not disappear if
the line break is taken, though.

This exact question was asked here with no good answer that i can see:

Sigh. Thanks for considering the question.


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