[tex4ht] new problem with tex4ht and matjax, table of content with math in section titles

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 13:57:32 CEST 2018

Hi Nasser,

> The problem is in the table of content that shows up. It looks
> like this
> https://www.12000.org/tmp/101018/toc.jpg
> The command used to compile it is

> It seems related to mathjax, since when I compile
> the same file using my old .cfg file, which does
> not use mathjax but uses svg, the TOC looks fine and
> math in the section title is not corrupted.
> Also the PDF is ok when compiling using lualatex foo.tex.

It seems that \left and \right commands are expanded once when written
to TOC. I've fixed this issue in the MathJax support file, but it is
possible that such issues may happen again. TOC business is quite huge
in tex4ht and it is hard to debug.

Best regards,

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