[tex4ht] two additional issues converting latex to HTML with mathjax.

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 16:35:51 CEST 2018

Hi Nasser.

> So If  I can learn how to make one work in the .cfg file so that mathjax
> renders it OK, I'll add the rest myself. Here is an example of two
> such cases:

MathJax has in contrast to tex4ht extensive documentation, so I am
sure you should be able to find some examples here.
The tricky thing are commands with parameters, as the config file
produces errror when #1 is uses inside the configuration.
I've found a workaround using LaTeX3 regexes:

        TeX: {
  Macros : {
relax: "{}",
setlength: ["{}", 2],
RootOf: "\\mathrm{RootOf}",
Ei: "\\mathrm{Ei}",
Aboxed: ["\\boxed{#1}", 1]

\regex_replace_all:nnN{ \x{23}\x{23}}{\x{23}}{\mymathjaxconf}

type="text/x-mathjax-config"> \mymathjaxconf</script>}}

I cannot find a solution for the \Aboxed command, I cannot get box at all.

Aboxed: ["\\boxed{#1}", 1]

doesn't seem to work. I am sure some MathJax people can a solution for that.


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