PDF file inclusion in pdfTeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Mon Oct 21 20:58:11 CEST 2024

The attached file geomsmall.pdf contains glyphs from TeX Gyre Termes Roman, Italic and BoldItalic. I just prepared it with Illustrator on the Mac. The Italic font is embedded in custom encoding (not a choice of mine, that's what Illustrator produces).

When including the file with \includegraphics in LuaTeX or XeTeX, everything's fine. When including it in pdfTeX, some glyphs (ie the Greek ones) are missing.

Looking closer at the TeX Live docs and sources, it seems LuaTeX and XeTeX use the pplib for PDF inclusion while pdfTeX uses xpdf. So there's a logic here. But I was wondering whether the above is expected behaviour, or a bug, and if the former whether there's a switch to activate in pdfTeX that would solve the problem.

The file geomsmall.pdf is PDF 1.6. I tried to export from Illustrator to earlier PDF versions (1.5 through 1.3), the problem remains. I tried recreating the file with Ghostscript, say

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOTRANSPARENCY -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=geomsmall-gs.pdf geomsmall.pdf

The problem remains too. What solves it is reading the Illustrator (.ai) file with Inkscape 1.4 and save it to PDF from there. So a solution exists. I was just wondering whether it could be avoided and the Illustrator-produced PDF file could be used as is.

Bruno Voisin

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