extractbb errors on all calls

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 10:35:26 CET 2024

The new Lua extractbb fails for me in both cygwin and (wsl) linux  all
calls with any argument fail the test

-- Make sure that the script is beside this one, just to be safe
local split_dir_pattern = "^(.*)[/\\]([^/\\]-)$"
local current_dir, current_name = arg[0]:match(split_dir_pattern)
local choice_dir, choice_name = choice:match(split_dir_pattern)

if current_dir ~= choice_dir then
    print("Refusing to run a script from a different directory. Exiting.")

so I get for example

$ type extractbb
extractbb is hashed (/usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux/extractbb)
$ extractbb
Refusing to run a script from a different directory. Exiting.

or (what flagged in the latex test  suite)

$ extractbb -O ./example-image-a4-numbered.pdf
Refusing to run a script from a different directory. Exiting.

compared to a texlive 2023

$ extractbb -O example-image-a4-numbered.pdf
%%Creator: extractbb 20220710
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
%%HiResBoundingBox: 0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000
%%PDFVersion: 1.5
%%Pages: 12
%%CreationDate: Thu Nov 21 09:18:43 2024

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