tlmgr platform add windows (some problem)

Rolf Niepraschk Rolf.Niepraschk at
Sat Mar 16 20:01:35 CET 2024

Good evening Reinhard,

Am 16.03.24 um 19:39 schrieb Reinhard Kotucha:
> Hi Rolf,
> these packages do not exist for windows.  pdfjam is a set of shell
> scripts for instance and there is no xdvi for windows.

I understand that. However, I feel the warning

tlmgr: action platform add, cannot find package

for problematic. The user, i.e. me, must think that something is not
correct because it is not found. The following advice would be better

tlmgr: action platform add, package does not exist for
platform "windows"


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