Problems with fistrum package

David Davó david at
Tue Feb 27 12:17:57 CET 2024


The fistrum <> package is a fork of lipsum
<>, that generates sentences in a certain
style, similar to kantlipsum <>.

Both of them work out of the box after installing Texlive, but fistrum

The package is imported, but if you try to use the main command, it says
that fistrum-es.ftd is not found.

$ cd texmf-dist/tex/latex
$ ls lipsum  lipsum.sty
$ ls fistrum

I explored the distribution, and it seems that the files
fistrum-es.ftd.tex and fistrum-la.ftd.tex are missing, despite being
declared as installfile in the build-config.lua

It also says so on the readme, and on the .ins

I guess I should modify ctan2tds to include files ending in ftd.tex, as
with the lipsum package. How can I do so?

Thank you for your attention,

David Davó
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