tl24 pretest: bug report

Karl Berry karl at
Wed Feb 14 23:12:13 CET 2024

1) Maybe some environment variable setting is causing trouble.
Try running  env | \grep TEX  to see what you've got.

2) What mktexlsr does, essentially, is run
  cd /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
  \ls -LRa >/tmp/out
(followed by some sed commands to massage the output)
and see if there are any errors, and/or if the .sty files show up in

You could do that by hand and see if there are any errors.  The behavior
you are describing is quite peculiar; evidently there is something
specific to your system causing the problem, but I can't imagine what it
might be. Sorry. --best, karl.

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