TL2024 from .iso fail under cygwin (win11 pro)

Ken Brown kbrow1i at
Mon Apr 29 22:29:54 CEST 2024

On 4/29/2024 6:56 AM, Reinhard Kotucha via tex-live wrote:
> If there are differences between Cygwin and other systems I prefer to
> look for software solutions first before bothering users.
> It's not a problem if the documentation recommends to install wget on
> Cygwin before installing TeX Live.  But most people read the docs only
> if something fails.
> Thus I think that most problems discussed here can be avoided if the
> installer sets PATH as described above when being invoked under
> Cygwin.  The error message can tell users how to proceed (install
> wget) and once wget is installed other programs like tlmgr will use
> it, even if PATH contains the Windows directories.

I might agree with you if wget were the only issue.  But the 
documentation we're talking about also mentions 4 recommended packages 
in addition to the required packages.  For example, a user who wants to 
use XeTeX should install fontconfig, a user who wants to use xdvi should 
install libXaw7, and so on.  So this is a case where I really think 
users should read the documentation before doing the install.


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