TeXLive 2023 Windows Installer doesn't start post-download/-installation config (no tlmgr, texworks etc.)...?

epsilon at int.pl epsilon at int.pl
Mon May 1 11:45:29 CEST 2023


after 14 hours of downloading packages (full installation without some language packages, most of the essential packages rather have been downloaded), TeXLive 2023 Installer (GUI) for Windows 11 seems not to install any of the programs it should.

*) On the command line, when asked for "kpsewhich", "tlmgr", "texhash", "tex" (and probably many others), the terminal responds with "is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".
*) Despite the relevant option being ticked (I left all the default options ticked in the graphical installer, including those for symlinks, I believe) TeXworks was not installed on the computer.

After a last attempt to download the packages that failed to install in the first attempt, the installer threw up the following messages and then finished the installation:

# Time used for installing the packages: 14:07:01
# 'kpsewhich' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
# operable program or batch file.
# running mktexlsr C:/texlive/2023/texmf-dist ...
# 'mktexlsr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
# operable program or batch file.
# C:/Users/Micha\x{00b3}/AppData/Local/Temp/nsf5DA3.tmp/install-tl-20230429/install-tl:  command failed (status 1): mktexlsr C:/texlive/2023/texmf-dist: No such file or directory

How can I make TeXLive work without downloading all the packages again? Are there any more steps in the installation/configuration process that the installer skipped? I would be grateful for a simple explanation and for help in completing the installation (using some sort of script, or changing environment variables so that the installation completes as standard with perfectly working TeXworks at the end).

Kind regards,
Jan Kaput

User name on machine I am preparing has standard Polish characters; I have not encountered any problems with them with TeXLive 2019 installation (and I think 2021 also). J.K.

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