File m-pictex.mkii not found

Karl Berry karl at
Thu Mar 23 22:37:29 CET 2023

    I agree m-pictex.mkii could be copied but why was this being used at all?

Hans pointed out the same thing.

    just ship m-pictex.sty with a one with a one line
    \RequirePackage{pictex} for compatibility

Makes sense, but it's in the tex/latex/context/ppchtex directory, and
the files there haven't changed since 2004 (mtimes
notwithstanding). It's part of the ConTeXt
(tex/latex/context/ppchtex), so I don't think I should change it in TL.

Clearly Hans does not care about such LaTeX files :), so who maintains
them and can update them? Mojca, any idea?

$ ls -l texmf-dist/tex/latex/context/
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karl root 355 May 14  2012 m-ch-de.sty
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karl root 355 May 14  2012 m-ch-en.sty
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karl root 355 May 14  2012 m-ch-nl.sty
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karl root 106 Apr 22  2016 m-pictex.sty


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