Upgrade failure and corrupted installation ?

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Aug 29 00:00:04 CEST 2023

    http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (not 
    verified: unknown)

FWIW, I guess washington was having troubles yesterday. It's working
fine now. It's in the CTAN mirror list as https, not http (which
autoredirects), and that should propagate to TL tonight.

In case of yet more problems in the future: tlmgr will dump out a lot
more info when given -v. Sometimes that can be helpful, either to find
alternatives or for debugging.

    I interrupted (^C) tlmgr after 7 failed upgrade attempts.

This is minor compared with all else, but the 7 surprises me. As far as
I can see, we only retry downloads 4 times.

(Norbert: or maybe LWP internally retries that many times? Not sure if
that can be specified, or if we're doing so. I didn't see it.) --thanks, karl.

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