otftotfm issue

Martin Münch Martin.Muench at Uni-Bonn.de
Tue Aug 22 16:00:32 CEST 2023


The LaTeX package SimpleIcons, https://www.ctan.org/pkg/simpleicons, 
used to use otftotfm (from the https://www.ctan.org/pkg/lcdf-typetools) 
to convert SimpleIcons.otf into SimpleIcons.pfb.

When a document used that SimpleIcons.pfb, the glyphs were shown in 
several pdf-viewers, but NOT in Adobe Acrobat Reader (on Windows), where 
there was just white space. (Well, the icon was there, but at about 
0.00001 % of intended size.)

When converting SimpleIcons.otf into SimpleIcons.pfb by Fontforge, then 
also Adobe Acrobat Reader (on Windows) correctly presents the glyphs/icons.

Thus something with the font conversion via otftotfm is amiss.

The SimpleIcons package now uses Fontforge, but otftotfm should be repaired.

The issue has already been discussed at




which give additional insights but no fix for otftotfm.

Who should do what to otftotfm to fix the issue?



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