Adobe ditching Type 1 fonts

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at
Thu Sep 22 12:58:50 CEST 2022

čt 22. 9. 2022 v 12:54 odesílatel Paulo Ney de Souza
<pauloney at> napsal:
> > But isn’t the point that you may want to reach the maximum number of
> > readers? Many have Acrobat Reader and wouldn’t have a clue where to find an
> > open source alternative.
> >
> > G Hoffman
> Not to mention that some of these alternatives plain -- do not exist -- or example,
> try sign or annotate a PDF file on Android or iOS.
And try to scan a series of pages to PDF and optimize it so that the
backround is no longer a bitmap but a rectangle containig many small
bitmaps, the compression is 20:1 with quality even ioncreased. I do
not know a better tool than Adob Acrobat Professional 9. That's why I
stil keep Windows XP in a VM.

> Paulo Ney

Zdeněk Wagner

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