Adobe ditching Type 1 fonts

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at
Wed Sep 21 10:09:50 CEST 2022

Adobe announced (very quietly) a few weeks ago that they will phase out
Type 1 fonts from all PDF tools, this January 2023, including Adobe Reader:

It is expected that files will be read, but no annotations of PDF pre-press
will work.

There are more than 7K Type1 files in TeXLive distributed over 33 packages.
The conversion with FontForge and other scripted tools is not very hard,
and the layout as an Unicode font simplifies file support a  lot ... and OT
itself opens the door to quite a bit of innovation.

Could these authors/maintainers get a prop-up from TL managers? It is quite
likely none of them have heard of this.

Paulo Ney
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