License problems

Norbert Preining norbert at
Mon May 2 14:07:19 CEST 2022

Hi Werner,

thanks a lot to you and the "digger" for the reports.

> in arabtex our license digger found lines like

Sounds bad, and a reason to be removed.

>  - NOT terribly expensive. In fact, it is free for scientific and strictly 
>    private, noncommercial use. For commercial purposes you need a license 
>    agreement; inquire at the author's address.

Is this also for arabtex?

> in computational-complexity a macro
>  \def\openchoicetext#1{\gdef\@octxt{\paragraph{Open Access.} #1}}%
>          \openchoicetext{This article is distributed under the terms of the
>           Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any
>           noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
>           provided the original author(s) and source are credited.}%
> is used in cc-cls-inline.tex and cc.cls

Hmm, that is tricky. In cc.cls there is no printed output, so this text
is nowhere shown, and the interpretation
	"a macro stating some license conditions is occurring in a
	document forces the document to this license"
is quite absurd to me. I guess there is an independent license statement
for the package itself.

> For mglTeX the digger found
> ... that means the docs are the poison here

Indeed, the docs have to go. Not the only ones that had to go in TL.

Thanks again.

(But sorry, leaving for camping right now ..)



PREINING Norbert                    
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