TeX Live for self publishers

amunn at gmx.com amunn at gmx.com
Sun Apr 24 23:22:30 CEST 2022

On 4/24/22 at 17:11, Don Hosek wrote:

> > Tinytex appears to be a serious effort to solve these two concerns. But, as I understand, it’s wedded to R.
> TinyTeX is, in fact not wedded to R (although its default selection of packages is geared towards the needs of that community). 
> MikTeX is available for windows, Mac and Linux and is probably the most user-friendly option for a TeX distribution with packages installed on an as-needed basis. 
> -dh

The vast majority of Mac users use the MacTeX distribution which comes as a single click installer, admittedly large. The number of Mac MikTeX users is likely very small and almost any advice you will find on TeX for the Mac (and Linux for that matter) will assume a TeXLive distribution. So while MikTeX is a good alternative for Windows users I’m not convinced it is for Mac and Linux users. 


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