MacTeX Live 2022 Install Hassels

Richard Koch koch at
Sun Apr 10 21:45:30 CEST 2022


I've now read other comments more closely, and also your original question and response more closely
You installed MacTeX-2022 and it looks to me like everything worked as expected. Your problem was that pandoc didn't work.

Please issue the following commands in Terminal

cd /Library/TeX/texbin

If you see a list of lots of TeX binaries, then the symbolic link is working correctly.

I suspect you don't use TeXShop, but my program has a "Pandoc Engine".You won't want to use it directly, but it illustrates that nothing very fancy needs to happen when you call pandoc:


# pandoc takes an input file (including markdown) and writes an output file (html, pdf, latex, ...)


OUTFILE="`basename $1`"


# echo $OUTFILE

pandoc  -s "$1"  -o $OUTFILE

/Applications/ "$OUTFILE"  &

Why not try another experiment in Terminal. Temporarily set your PATH to just point to /Library/TeX/texbin
in Terminal, and then change to a directory with a pandoc document and call pandoc from within that Terminal session. Does that work?

If so but there are still problems, explain how you actuall call pandoc in your work flow.

Richard Koch
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