[EXT] Re: Help with OTP encryption

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Wed May 19 11:45:23 CEST 2021

N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:54 AM Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk 
> <mailto:P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk>> wrote:
>     How could this be ?  You say "each character has been converted to
>     one of 52 two-digit numbers (so, 01 through 52)" but [a-zA-Z] of
>     itself will require 52 such numbers, so what numbers are assigned
>     to [0-9 . , ; : ! ? \textemdash ...] ?
> Well, for one, I'm ignoring capitalization. But again, that part of 
> the conversion has already been done, and requires no further work. 
> All I need is to convert the resulting two-digit numbers into *other* 
> two-digit numbers, using the keytext.

I will try once more, Andrew, but to be honest I am rapidly losing 
interest, as trying to get /accurate /information from you regarding the 
earlier stages of your processing is proving extraordinarily difficult.

So let me ask one simple question — if there were a processing engine E 
that took as input your ciphertext.tex and keytext.tex files and sought 
to produce your codetext.tex file, would that engine E need /any 
knowledge at all/ as to which fragments of ciphertext.tex represent 
TeX-specific constructs such as \footnote ?  If so, why ?  Why can it 
not operate on ciphertext.txt with no prior knowledge at all as to what 
its contents might represent ?
/** Phil./
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