bug: xelatex: table would be rendered into second screen with beamer

ayaka ayaka at soulik.info
Sun May 16 03:39:13 CEST 2021

Hello All

I try to place a table in beamer while I want to display my note in the 
screen screen, I tried the xelatex from texlive 2017 to 2020, all of 
them would only render the table in the page for the second screen 
leaving a blank page with only control bar in the main page. Neither the 
tabular nor tabularx would work.

The lualatex could work fine. And if I didn't place any frame before the 
frame contains that table, it seems work as well in xelatex.


\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}



foo & bar \\


Thanks in advance


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