update-tlmgr problem

alexander sax alexander.sax at uni-graz.at
Sat Mar 20 13:24:31 CET 2021

Dear all,

when I execute update-tlmgr-latest.sh I get the message

alex at alex-ThinkPad-P15v-Gen-1:~/Downloads$ ./update-tlmgr-latest.sh
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing TeX Live Manager Updater  100%
./runme.sh: Cannot find TeX Live root using kpsewhich 
./runme.sh: (no tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb and/or tlpkg/tlpobj/.)
./runme.sh: Please set your PATH as needed, otherwise it's hopeless.

When I check the PATH (set in .bashrc) I find
alex at alex-ThinkPad-P15v-Gen-1:~$ $PATH

Any ideas how to make the update work?

greetings alex

Die reinste Form des Wahnsinns ist es, alles beim Alten zu lassen und gleichzeitig zu hoffen, dass sich etwas aendert. Albert Einstein

The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and at the same time to hope that things will change. Albert Einstein

Alexander F. Sax e-mail: alexander.sax at uni-graz.at
Institut fuer Chemie tel. : +43 316 380 5513
Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz FAX : +43 316 380 9850
Heinrichstrasse 28 https://chemie.uni-graz.at/de/computational-chemistry/
A-8010 Graz AUSTRIA

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