Remark about a recent change in texlive-en.tex

Karl Berry karl at
Thu Mar 4 23:37:25 CET 2021

After reading all the nice ideas and the description on itself, I ended up with this:

  ...; the web pages under \url{}
  display nearly all of the text fonts included in the main \TeX\
  distributions, categorized in various ways.

The FC does not include all fonts in the distributions (symbol fonts and
fonts without any LaTeX or Latin support may be missing). It's not only
fonts in the distributions (some nonfree fonts are included).  It's
certainly not all fonts that can be used with TeX, since nearly any
system otf/ttf font will work. So the above is my best attempt to say
something informative that isn't actually false.

I hope it can be laid to rest now, since I don't want to make the
umpteen translators deal with it again. --thanks, karl.

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